Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Goat Attack

So the other day I walk into the radio station to do my internship and I get handed a task.
The task: to find out about some goat attack in Georgia.
So I go on my way, and here is what I found:

Apparently, an 88 year-old man was walking to his shop and when he looked up, a goat knocked him to the ground.
The goat reportedly watched him for an hour, knocking him to the ground whenever he tried to get up.
Eventually he got away though and was able to call for help.

Now, a little known fact about me: I live on a farm.  So I do have goats. In fact, here is a picture of my goats:

(They were all piling into the feed bin trying to eat.)

I haven't ever had a goat attack me.  I've had a cow attack me, sure.  But not a goat.

Anyways, while I was searching for this article, I found this site:

For real.  Here is a quote from their homepage:
           "The Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation was created in 1982 by a small group that originally came together as a an informal support group for problems that were the result of traumatic experiences at petting zoos as children. This group realized that there were many others out there who were afraid to come forward with their horrific stories and wanted to find some way to help as many people as they could. The Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation is the result of their dream."

Take a look at their site :  and let me know what you think: Satire or for real.

Oh, and one more thing.
Jason Walker recorded a few sound bytes of him reading off some information found on the site about goat safety, give it a listen.  It could save your life.
The Dangers of Petting Zoos:
Tips to avoid goat attacks:


  1. Totally fake. If you read the testimonies and look at the pictures, the testimonies are obviously fake, and the pictures were horribly photo-shopped.

  2. Oh yeah....
    haha I hadn't looked at the pictures.
    Good catch.
